Class URIChargeAbstract

Generic URI charge representation.

Instances of this class may represent any charge type, including maps and lists. When part of the charge is not available, corresponding property or method returns URICharge.none, which means the absence of charge.






  • Obtains an item charge at the given index.

    For single-valued charge, map, and URICharge.None always returns itself for indices 0 and -1, and none for any other index.

    For the list returns an URI charge of the item at the given index, or none if there is no such item.


    • index: number

      Zero-based index of the list item to be returned. Negative index counts back from the end of the list — if index < 0, index + array.length is accessed.

    Returns None | Some

    Target item charge, or none if there is no such item.

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