Deserialized data type.
Deserialized data model.
config: UcDeserializer.ConfigCompiler configuration.
Universal deserializer instance.
Compiles by-tokens deserializer for the given data model
This is a placeholder. It is replaced with actual deserializer when TypeScript code compiled with [ts-transformer-churi] enabled. It is expected that the result of this function call is stored to constant.
Deserialized data type.
Deserialized data model.
config: ByTokensConfigCompiler configuration.
Universal deserializer instance.
Compiles synchronous deserializer for the given data model
This is a placeholder. It is replaced with actual deserializer when TypeScript code compiled with [ts-transformer-churi] enabled. It is expected that the result of this function call is stored to constant.
Deserialized data type.
Deserialized data model.
Compiler configuration.
Synchronous deserializer instance.
Compiles asynchronous deserializer for the given data model
This is a placeholder. It is replaced with actual deserializer when TypeScript code compiled with [ts-transformer-churi] enabled. It is expected that the result of this function call is stored to constant.
Deserialized data type.
Deserialized data model.
Compiler configuration.
Asynchronous deserializer instance.
Compiles by-tokens asynchronous deserializer for the given data model
This is a placeholder. It is replaced with actual deserializer when TypeScript code compiled with [ts-transformer-churi] enabled. It is expected that the result of this function call is stored to constant.
Deserialized data type.
Deserialized data model.
Compiler configuration.
Asynchronous deserializer instance.
Generated using TypeDoc
Compiles deserializer for the given data
.This is a placeholder. It is replaced with actual deserializer when TypeScript code compiled with [ts-transformer-churi] enabled. It is expected that the result of this function call is stored to constant.