Interface UcSchemaConstraint

Constraint to apply to the schema by schema processor.

The feature is declared in ECMAScript module and exported from it as a named symbol.

The feature interface is specific to the schema processor.


  • UcSchemaConstraint




from: string

Name of ECMAScript module to import the feature from.

use: string

Feature name to use.

ECMAScript symbol to import from the module and use as schema processing feature.

with?: unknown

Additional options to pass to the feature.

The format is specific to the feature.


  • Builds unique identifier based on additional options.

    This identifier will be appended to full schema identifier.

    When omitted, the schema identifier will be built based on JSON representation of options.


    • schema: UcSchema<unknown>

      Target schema.

    • schemaId: ((schema) => string)

      Builds unique schema identifier.

        • (schema): string
        • Parameters

          Returns string

    Returns string

    Part of schema identifier.

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