Interface UccBootstrap<TBoot>

Schema processing bootstrap.

Supports processing features.

Type Parameters

  • in out TBoot extends UccBootstrap<TBoot>

    Type of schema processing bootstrap.


Implemented by


  • get currentEntry(): undefined | string
  • Currently processed schema entry. This may be e.g. a serializer or deserializer name.

    undefined when processing nested schema. This happens e.g. when model processed explicitly rather automatically.

    Returns undefined | string


  • Registers schema constraint application handler.

    If multiple handlers match the same criteria, they all will be applied in order of their registration. Handlers matching any presentation always applied after the ones matching concrete one.

    Type Parameters

    • TOptions

      Constraint options type.


    • criterion: ConstraintCriterion

      Constraint criterion to apply the handler to.

    • handler: ConstraintHandler<TBoot, TOptions>

      Constraint application handler to call each time the matching constraint is about to be applied.

    Returns UccBootstrap<TBoot>

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