Interface UcrxBootstrap<TBoot>

Bootstrap of charge receiver code generation.

Type Parameters

  • in out TBoot extends UcrxBootstrap<TBoot>

    Type of schema processing bootstrap.


Implemented by


  • get currentEntry(): undefined | string
  • Currently processed schema entry. This may be e.g. a serializer or deserializer name.

    undefined when processing nested schema. This happens e.g. when model processed explicitly rather automatically.

    Returns undefined | string


  • Assigns Ucrx class to use for target value type or schema processing.

    The class prototype provided for particular schema takes precedence over the one provided for the type.

    Type Parameters

    • T

      Implied data type.


    • target: string | UcSchema<T> | UcDataType<T>

      Name or class of target value type, or target schema instance.

    • proto: UcrxProto<T>

      Ucrx class prototype.

    Returns UcrxBootstrap<TBoot>

    this instance.

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