Schema processing options.

Type Parameters

  • in TBoot extends UccBootstrap<TBoot>

    Type of schema processing bootstrap.


  • Options


features?: UccFeature<TBoot, void> | readonly UccFeature<TBoot, void>[]

Additional schema processing features to enable and use.

models?: {}

Models with constraints to extract processing instructions from.

Type declaration

    presentations?: keyof UcFormatPresentations<unknown, UcSchema<unknown>> | keyof UcInsetPresentations<unknown, UcSchema<unknown>> | readonly (keyof UcFormatPresentations<unknown, UcSchema<unknown>> | keyof UcInsetPresentations<unknown, UcSchema<unknown>>)[]

    Schema instance presentation names within presentation constraints.

    All presentations enabled when missing or empty.

    processors: UcProcessorName | readonly UcProcessorName[]

    Processor names within schema constraints.

    Generated using TypeDoc