Interface Schema

Schema for BigInt value.

BigInt schema is created automatically when BigInt constructor is used as model.

When additional options needed, the schema has to be created explicitly.

BigInt values may be represented with and without 0n prefix. This differs from schema-less processing, where 0n prefix is required for BigInt values. When serializing, the 0n prefix is either added or not according to number processing policy.



nullable?: boolean

Whether the data is nullable.

When true the data value may be null.

Default Value

false, which means null data value prohibited.

optional?: boolean

Whether the data is optional.

When true the data value may be undefined.

Default Value

false, which means undefined data value prohibited.

type: UcDataType<bigint>

BigInt schema type always refers to standard BigInt constructor.

where?: UcConstraints<bigint, UcSchema<bigint>>

Schema constraints.

within?: UcPresentations<bigint>

Schema instance presentation constraints.


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