Interface Schema<TItem, TItemModel>

Schema definition for multi-value serialized as list or single value.

Such schema can be built with ucMultiValue function.

Type Parameters

  • out TItem = unknown

    Type of single item.

  • out TItemModel extends UcModel<TItem> = UcModel<TItem>

    Type of single item model.



item: Of<TItemModel>

Single item schema.

nullable?: boolean

Whether the data is nullable.

When true the data value may be null.

Default Value

false, which means null data value prohibited.

optional?: boolean

Whether the data is optional.

When true the data value may be undefined.

Default Value

false, which means undefined data value prohibited.

type: "list"

Either unique type name, or type class.

Code generation is based on this name.

where?: UcConstraints<TItem | TItem[], UcSchema<TItem | TItem[]>>

Schema constraints.

within?: UcPresentations<TItem | TItem[]>

Schema instance presentation constraints.


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